Sleep brings welcome relief after a difficult and long day. But there is one pest that takes great pride in disrupting your sleep and making the most peaceful of activities uncomfortable. Bed bugs are tiny, elusive, and annoying. Finding one, or worse, feeling one scurrying underneath you, can cause panic, but it doesn’t have to.
Learn all you need to know about bed bugs: what they look like, how to tell if you have an infestation, and what you can do to prevent them. Knowing these things will keep your home happy, healthy, and well-rested!
Bed bugs are reddish-brown, flat, wingless insects. Their size is comparable to an apple seed. Considered a micro predator, these pests feed on the blood of humans and animals. They are most active at night. During the day, they hide on beds and in small spaces.
A bed bug infestation can grow quickly over a couple of months. Females have been known to lay up to 113 eggs in their lifetime, making acting quickly even more important.
We’ve all heard of these nighttime predators, but how do you know if you should be concerned about your own bed? Here are a few of the more common signs of a bed bug infestation:
While troubling, bed bug bites aren’t the most reliable indicator of the insect's presence. Many different insect bites and allergic reactions can look like bed bug bites. If you discover a new rash, you might check your mattress and bedsheets.
Thankfully, bed bugs don’t cause debilitating sickness. But, there are some risks involved in leaving a bed bug problem untreated. Some of these dangers include:
Bed bugs are known hitchhikers. The insects travel from place to place on luggage and other travel gear. Here are a few tips that can help you prevent bed bugs:
If you have a bed bug infestation, there are a few things you can do to help eliminate the insects from your home:
Getting rid of bed bugs completely often takes chemical spray. While you may find several pesticide options at your local store, be sure to read the labels and instructions carefully before applying the chemical to mattresses or other household furniture. Often, it is best to consider a professional bed bug exterminator service.
If you have a bed bug problem, it is important to eliminate it immediately and completely before the infestation multiplies. Insight Pest Solutions offers bed bug control for distressed homes. Our services are effective. We use quality materials that won’t harm you or your household. Contact us today for more information.