Have you ever heard the term “occasional invaders” before? In the pest control industry, this is a term that encompasses pests that find their way into peoples’ homes due to weather conditions that pose threats to them. They do not typically survive for long indoors because they can’t access the things they need for their own survival. These pests won’t necessarily cause damage to your home, but they certainly are annoying.
Ground Beetles
While these beetles don’t tend to grow bigger than ½ an inch, they still aren’t the kind of thing you want to find crawling around your home. These bugs are usually brown or black, but sometimes can look green, blue, or even red in color. They are not dangerous to humans, but have been known to invade homes in large numbers.
Most people assume that because of their name, centipedes must have one hundred legs. Centipedes are known to have anywhere from fifteen to well over one hundred legs, which makes them all the more creepy looking. These bugs might be found in basements, bathrooms, or crawl spaces. Centipedes do have venomous bites, but they are only harmful to other bugs, not humans. Regardless, they should not be a welcomed guest in your home.
Millipedes tend to be a bit slower than centipedes. The notable difference is that millipedes have a segmented body, and they have two pairs of legs attached to each segment. While they do have more legs than centipedes, they don’t actually have one thousand. They aren’t poisonous, but they can produce a fluid that can irritate humans and cause certain allergic reactions. If you see millipedes in your home, it’s best to get rid of them.
Earwigs are generally nocturnal. They can be as small as ¼ inch, and as long as two inches. They like the dark, damp rooms of your home, like the kitchen and bathroom. Earwigs have forceps located on the back end of their body that can pinch onto human skin, but they are not poisonous to humans.
Getting rid of damp spots around your home can keep these pests at bay. Damp mulch, piles of leaves, and overgrown spots in your garden should all be cleared away to help eliminate chances of these occasional invaders entering your home. Scheduling a routine pest control service can help you avoid having to deal with pests. At Insight Pest Solutions, our experts will investigate your home to look for any entry points or pest activity that needs attention. Call Insight Pest Control for more information on our pest control services.