Many creatures fall into the category of rodents, but only a handful earn the title of “Homeowner’s Worst Nightmare.” Porcupines don’t often invade your pantry, and squirrels traditionally stick to the outdoors, but mice and rats can wreak havoc on your yard and home, unlike any other pest.
Rodents are among the most common pests in North America. They are nasty creatures that can carry dangerous illnesses like salmonella and hantavirus. Luckily, Insight Pest Solutions can provide an easy fix for any mouse or rat problem. Our rodent control services are reliable, effective, and safe.
Several different species and types of rats and mice exist. Knowing the difference is essential to preventing and treating a rodent problem. One of the most common rodents in the US is the house mouse. This tiny pest is notorious for its small stature and ability to chew through your walls, electrical chords, and favorite snacks. They are also known to spread illnesses like salmonella and rat-bite fever.
What Do House Mice Look Like?
The easiest way to identify a rodent is by its size and coloring. The house mouse is the smallest and most elusive of common household rodents. Its body can be anywhere from 2 ½ to nearly 4 inches long.
House mice are usually dusty grey or light brown with a cream-colored underbelly. They have large ears, a pointed nose, and a long, hairless tail.
Where Do House Mice Live?
House mice are found throughout the United States but are native to Asia.
House mice enjoy dark, secluded, and indoor areas, like basements, attics, and garages. They often make their homes under sinks and in closets. They set up their nests in paper products, clutter, insulation, and fabrics. House mice are all about convenience; they usually form their nests near reliable food sources.
What Do House Mice Eat?
House mice enjoy eating human foods. This could include your peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Starburst candies, and Cocoa Puffs cereal. They’ll also indulge in seeds, fruits, dog food, vegetables, and chocolate.
These tiny critters are natural-born nibblers. Traditionally, they eat their meals in the morning and evening.
More About House Mice
House mice are social pests. They always live in colonies of two or more mice. These mice breed rapidly. A female house mouse can produce up to 36 young per year; sextuplets are typical for this species.
House mice don’t bother with hygiene. They’ll leave droppings and urine trails wherever they please. Finding these tiny piles can be distressing and disgusting for any homeowner. And they should be handled with care. Feces are just one way these mice spread illness.
House mice are nocturnal. They venture out of their nests to harvest snacks during the earliest morning hours. This is why these mice are most commonly spotted at night. Your midnight adventure to find a cup of water can turn into an unfortunate meeting and a quick call to your local pest control company.
These pests are quick to adapt to new circumstances. A house mouse will jump, run, climb, and even swim to evade capture. They’re fast little pests, which can make them nearly impossible to catch without proper equipment and training.
Rodents shouldn’t be ignored or wished away. If they have found a comfortable and reliable home, they will likely stay until they are removed.
At Insight Pest Solutions, we provide exceptional rodent control services. Your home, health, and happiness are far too important to sacrifice. Contact us today if you are suffering from a rodent invasion. Whether it’s a colony of house mice or a Norway rat, we’ll take care of the problem.