Though deer look innocent, home gardeners know they can be a menace to plants and trees. Because deer are not fond of hot spices, you can bring safety to your plants by treating them with a homemade chili spray. Simmer a pinch of red pepper flakes in a pan of water, then strain the liquid into a spray bottle.

May 11, 2017
Bob Vila

Keep deer away

Though deer look innocent, home gardeners know they can be a menace to plants and trees. Because deer are not fond of hot spices, you can […]
May 11, 2017
Billy Bretherton

Plant trees away from home

Tree limbs act like bridges, creating a passageway for squirrels, rats, snakes and raccoons to enter attic vents. Plant trees about 20 feet from your house. […]
May 11, 2017
Cover graphic of DIY Network

Install a bird screen

To help keep birds out of your vegetables, use bird screening. To cover most any young vegetables you need to place stakes about 3 feet apart […]
May 11, 2017
Michael Hasson

Solve snake issues

If you are seeing snakes around or under your home there is a good chance that you may have a rodent population in the area as […]
May 11, 2017
Ortho logo

Tips for tick control

If you have trees, tall grass, or open space in your yard, you could have a bunch of hungry ticks lurking there. They lie in wait […]
May 11, 2017
WebEcoist logo

Give solar pest control a shot

Solar powered pest control products are a relatively new green product on the market. Solar panels on the top of the unit collect energy from the […]
May 11, 2017
Sean Carruth

Cap your chimney

Chimneys are frequented by squirrels, raccoon, bats and birds, and represent the single largest opening to your home. The installation of an inexpensive chimney cap can […]
May 11, 2017
Todd Axten

Check for unwanted visitors

If you suspect you have a wildlife problem, performing an inspection is the next step for DIY-minded homeowners. Here are some tips for doing an inspection […]
May 11, 2017

Think about the pests’ perspective

All critters (no matter how many legs they have) need the same survival tools we need – Food, Water and Shelter.  My advice is to exclude […]