The most important thing to remember once you’ve been bitten by a spider is to remain calm. Panicking can raise your heart rate and blood pressure, which can actually make the venom move through your system quicker. Instead of panicking, clean and inspect the bite to make sure that it isn’t rapidly changing color or size.
After your brief inspection, be sure to ice and elevate the area to reduce the swelling. Next, take an over the counter antihistamine, such as Benadryl, to stave off any potential allergic reactions and to help with itching. Additionally, if you notice that the bite area is developing blisters, apply antibiotic ointment.
After performing the initial steps above, you can turn your attention to at-home remedies that will help to alleviate the pain, itching, and swelling associated with your spider bite. Follow along below to learn more about the household items that can help to heal your spider bite.
Baking Soda
Creating a paste with baking soda is one of the most cost-effective ways to treat both venomous and non-venomous spider bites. This solution helps to relieve your symptoms, like itching, pain and stinging sensations, significantly. To create the paste, combine three parts baking soda to one part water and apply to the skin. Repeat several times a day for about a week.
Turmeric is a staple in many kitchens around the world, but did you know that it has more benefits than tasting good? Turmeric is a spice that’s derived from a root in the ginger family. It’s known worldwide for its potent anti-inflammatory properties and has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries. For spider bites, mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder with olive oil to create a paste. Apply it on the bite and let it sit for an hour. Do this several times a day, and you will see any inflammation and pain reduce within a few days.
Potatoes aren’t just for eating – they can help you help with a spider bite as well! Potatoes have been shown to reduce swelling and pain at the bite site. For this remedy, slice the potato, making sure that the skin is still intact, and rub it on the bite area. Then, place the slice of potato against the bite and leave it on for a couple of hours. Repeat several times a day.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera has natural antioxidant and antibacterial properties, which makes it a great remedy for spider bites. It can also help to reduce the pain and swelling at the bite location.
Activated Charcoal
Activated charcoal is a great natural remedy for spider bites, especially if you’re bitten by a Brown Recluse. It reduces the effect of the spider’s poison and helps you heal faster. Mix equal parts activated charcoal and water together and apply directly to the bite location. Repeat several times a day for about a week.
Signs You Should Seek Medical Attention
Generally, spider bites can be taken care of at home, but there are some symptoms that will point to you needing medical attention. If after you’ve developed a fever, chills, or notice that pus is coming from the wound, call your doctor ASAP and talk to them about your symptoms. Additionally, if you start showing signs of full-body shock or having trouble breathing, call 911 immediately.
The best way to avoid spider bites is to prevent spiders from living in or around your home. This is easier said than done, of course, but there are a few things you can do to get ahead of them. First, inspect your home, including your basement and attic, for cracks and holes where spiders can crawl through. Additionally, destroy any spider webs that you see on or around your home in order to deter spiders from staying on your property.
Lastly, call a trusted pest control company, like Insight Pest Solutions, in your area to tackle your spider problem for you. Insight Pest Solutions is committed to protecting your family from spiders and other pests that can plague your home, and we pride ourselves on our quick and knowledgeable service. Our technicians are trained in the most effective and advanced pest control techniques that are proven to work, so once you get in contact with us, you can rest assured that your spider problem is as good as gone.
To learn more about our services, give us a call or visit our website today!