Here’s a rundown of four spooky spiders you might encounter in the fall and what you need to know to keep your home and family safe.
The female black widow is easily recognizable with their shiny black body and the distinctive red hourglass shape on the female's abdomens.
What to Do: Keep your home and outdoor areas clutter-free. If you spot a black widow or suspect you’ve been bitten, seek medical attention immediately.
The brown recluse is typically light brown with a violin-shaped marking on its back. It is known for its potent bite, which can cause skin lesions.
What to Do: Inspect attics, storage spaces, and seldom-used clothing for brown recluses. Wear gloves when handling items stored for a long time, and if bitten, get medical help promptly.
Wolf spiders are large and hairy and can range in color from brown to gray. They have a robust body and long legs, which give them a formidable appearance.
What to Do: Keep outdoor lights off at night to avoid attracting insects that draw these spiders near your home.
Tarantulas are large, hairy spiders that can vary in color. They are often brown or reddish and can have striking patterns on their abdomen.
What to Do: If you encounter it, observe from a distance and avoid provoking it. They are not typically a threat to people but can be a surprise if encountered unexpectedly.
If you suspect an infestation of spiders in your home, call Insight Pest Solutions! We are dedicated to keeping your home pest-free!